Category Archives: Talks

Svetoslav Ribolov – On Bulgaria’s Dogmatic Theology and Patristics

Fr Georgi Gugov – On the Three Holy Hierarchs

Ladders to Salvation and Ladders to Sin, A Talk by Mr Ivan Nikolov

Fr Yasen Shinev: St John of Kronstadt as a Model for Wise Paternal Guidance

A Talk on the Holy Forefathers by Mr Ivan Nikolov

A Talk by Klaus Kenneth 2014

Православният мисионер и писател Клаус Кенет изнесе беседа в храм св. Параскева, гр. Пловдив, 26.10.2014 г.

The Main Thing in Spiritual Life is Faith in God’s Providence

A Saturday Talk, St Sergius of Razdonezh and Us

Talk by Mr Darin Alexiev on the Book of St Hilarion (Troitsky) – Without the Church There is No Christianity

Запис на беседата за свмчк Иларион Троицки в храм св. Параскева, гр. Пловдив, 19.09.2014 г. Представя книгата г-н Дарин Алексиев.