Category Archives: Metropolitan Augoustinos Kantiotes

Are We Ready For Christmas?

By Metropolitan Augoustinos Kantiotes Beloved in Christ, I would like to ask you a question; I ask it of myself and I ask it of you. Are we prepared to celebrate the great feast of Christmas? There are two kinds of preparation; material and spiritual. Our material preparation is more or less finished. Housewives have cleaned their houses, husbands have finished – or have almost finished – their shopping, and children await their presents. Everyone has written their Christmas cards, signing them with the customary “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year.” This is worldly preparation; I am not interested in this. What I am interested in isspiritual preparation, the kind of preparation which makes us ready to celebrate the great event of the Incarnation of the Divine Word as is proper. Only a small number have properly prepared themselves. Of one thousand Christians, I doubt if even one celebrates Christmas truly. Does my estimate seem exaggerated? Let us see. How is Christmas celebrated today? A portion of Christians will celebrate it “typically,” let us say. Hearing the bells on Christmas Eve, they will go and take part in the service out of habit. This is certainly better than being absent altogether;